Testimonials • dotScot Registry


  • For Scots in Europe who have been cut adrift, .scot is a way to show that we do not give up on our national or European identities. We never cease to point out what we are not. It does no harm to state what we are.

    - Michael Docherty, European Commission, Brussels

  • SURF followed the announcement of a new top-level domain for Scotland with keen interest, and happily secured SURF(dot)scot in early 2015, within months of the dot scot launch. It has been used ever since as the address for SURF's website. The new .scot domain could not be clearer about SURF's name and geographic sphere. We are pleased to be one of a growing number of .scot adoptees.

    - Scotland's Regeneration Forum, SURF.scot

  • .scot unifies Scots and the Scottish diaspora worldwide by linking our heritage and culture with technology. It connects us to each other worldwide in a unique and contemporary way. Using .scot in heritage, business, or education goes beyond the URL. It is about being proud of who we are.

    - Theresa Mackay, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

  • Digital Xtra Fund was created to support tech activities that help young people across Scotland develop the digital skills they need to succeed regardless of their gender, background, or where they live. The dotScot domain gives businesses and organisations a way to prominently celebrate their Scottish culture and heritage online. The two are extensions of the same ethos that Scotland is a vibrant, open, outward-looking digital nation aiming to give its citizens – both young and old – the knowledge and confidence to benefit from the social, economic, and democratic opportunities created with technology

    - Digital Xtra Fund, digitalxtrafund.scot

  • A .scot domain tells the world a bit of who I am, far better than any .com, .net, or other domain could ever do. My dotScot domains align me with a people, a culture, a country, and a worldwide diaspora that is warm, welcoming, and globally inclusive.

    - Glen Moyer, Louisiana, United States, underthetartansky.scot

  • When creating a website to showcase our breed society and to mark this uniquely Scottish icon, we were delighted to choose a .scot domain name. Our website address, www.eriskaypony.scot, reflects the society’s roots in the Outer Hebrides and the breed’s contribution to Scotland’s natural heritage. It’s such a useful stamp to have.

    - Eriskay Pony Society, Eriskaypony.scot

  • A .scot domain clearly highlights our role as an organisation working in Scotland for the people, nature, and landscapes of Scotland. Additionally we will be rebranding to NatureScot and so Nature.scot is a natural extension of our brand.

    - NatureScot, nature.scot

  • It has always irked me the way so many drop-down menus ignore Scotland, offering only "UK" as a home, so I'm all for anything that asserts our existence as a nation. And I like the simplicity of .scot, rather than the more cumbersome .co.uk that I had before. It's a good place to be.

    - Professor Willy Maley, University of Glasgow, WillyMaley.scot

  • In the evolving geopolitical situation in Europe, many Scots are looking to underline both their Scottish roots and their European identity. A .scot domain is a perfect way to express this common identity and help them be part of the European 'Digital Single Market', both for those Scots living across Europe and Scots at home working or doing business with European partners.

    - Alasdair Reid, Brussels

  • As we are all Glasgow-based, it seemed a no brainer to go for a .scot domain name; it tells the audience who we are, and where we are. And that audience, which is global, is still growing. The Glasgow/Scottish diaspora is an immensely powerful and often untapped source of soft power. We Scots get everywhere, and a Scottish accent, or .scot domain name, are powerful tools when it comes to opening doors, both socially and in terms of building business and brand awareness.

    - Norry Wilson, LostGlasgow.scot

  • Scotland and its people are well known, well liked and widely respected across the globe – it is an instantly recognisable, hugely inclusive, and warmly welcoming statement to be Scottish – why would we not want to share in that?

    - Scottish Handball Association, handball.scot

  • The transition [to .scot] was smooth and the new website (with improved on-page SEO) made decent gains and (at the time of writing) has dozens of #1 rankings, both organically and in the Local Pack which brings in a lot of magic gig enquires.

    - Jody Greig, Magician.scot

  • When I redesigned my website in 2021 to focus on photography, it seemed a perfect time to ditch the .co.uk and make the move over to .scot. I love it. I’m joining hallowed company in folk I admire like Mogwai, and Arab Strap, among many others in the dotScot family. I feel a deep sense of my own Scottishness and the dotScot domain is a proud, welcome nod to this identity – an identity that, as an emigrant, only becomes more emphatic the longer I’m away.

    - Neil Milton Photography, neilmilton.scot

  • As the first an institute of international affairs in Scotland, both at national and international level, choosing a dedicated .scot domain helps to emphasise the importance we attribute to mobilising and deploying expertise within Scotland to our efforts to inform public policy and lift the levels of public debate and understanding of international questions.

    - The Scottish Council on Global Affairs, SCGA.scot

  • A sense of place is intrinsic to who we are as an agency. The name of our agency is rooted in a sense of place, and all that evokes. It was important to us that we were very clearly identified as A Scottish Agency, speaking for and promoting the very best of what our country does.

    - Spey Agency, spey.scot

  • Choosing the new domain was a clear way to tell the story of what Genuine does, for whom, and where from. It's all about Scotland for Genuine, whether launching a new campaign or event, helping people here, or producing an International client event in Milan working with talent from Scotland. The .scot domain tells the story upfront of what the business does for Scotland and that it is from Scotland.

  • You rock, dotScot

    - Sonja Holverson, Switzerland

  • Although established in Brazil, Palavra Escocesa has created a community of people from all around the world. People that respect and value Scotland’s identity. When picking a domain, I wanted to emphasize that, and the .scot domain was the perfect choice. Besides, it allowed me to have a simple and straightforward URL.If you are based in Scotland, or if you have a project connected to Scotland somehow, I would definitely recommend using a .scot domain.

    - Palavra Escocesa, palavra.scot

  • I used to use a '.co.uk' domain as my primary domain, but as part of my brand and identity as a musician was being proudly Scottish and it made a lot of sense to switch to a '.scot' domain. The '.scot' domain is new, fresh and- distinctive, and I feel it sets my online presence apart from other musicians and bands using more traditional domains. The '.scot' domain will be visible to all my fans and listeners who navigate there, and it's a point of personal pride for myself to have Scotland represented in my website.

    - Sithu Aye, indie musician, sithuaye.scot

  • Initially, I chose dotScot as something of a leap of faith – faith in the power of the Scotland brand, and the promise and optimism that it represents. Several years on, I https://castlehunter.scot/see more and more companies, organisations, and individual creators choosing a dotScot domain, coalescing around the flourishing potential that I initially saw in it. It feels like vindication, and I hope to see more and more people choosing dotScot as Scotland and the people who call it home continue to assert themselves confidently into the world, knowing that being unabashedly Scottish is a foot forward.

    - David C. Weinczok, castlehunter.scot

  • Our events focus on the Gypsy Roma Traveller communities in and of Scotland. Having a .scot domain helps highlight this and reinforces our commitment to sharing the talents and traditions of these communities.

    - Gypsy, Roma, Traveller History Month, GRTHM.scot

  • We are very proud to work and promote something as special as Whisky. We are also proud Scots that are steeped in the history and the importance of Whisky to our people and we want to tell the world. There was only one web address that we would be happy with and that was a .scot one, it’s in our bones.

    - Distillery Tours, distillerytours.scot

  • Being local is at the heart of everything we do so it made sense for us to say to the world that our business is Scottish. We were keen that our brand had a fresh modern feel and we think having a .scot web address really helps us stand out from the crowd.

    - Erin McBean & Nick Lyon, igloo.scot

  • We're a Scottish charity, and our work focuses entirely on supporting young people across Scotland and helping them to amplify their voices. Having a .scot domain reinforces our commitment to all young people of Scotland.

    - YoungScot, young.scot

  • It was a no-brainer to go for LearnGaelic.Scot as soon as we could get the domain. We rebranded from LearnGaelic.Net to LearnGaelic.Scot in 2015 and the site has grown from strength to strength. It has been a real boon for us. People interested in learning Celtic languages can sometimes get confused between Scottish Gaelic, Irish, and Manx.- .scot has provided learners with clear signposting.

  • We considered the .scot domain as a key part of our digital and marketing strategy, not least because it's the same name as the language we are focused on protecting and achieving legal status for. By using a .scot domain, we are showing clearly to the Scots speaking diaspora, Scottish politicians and the wider world who we are and where our campaign is based. We would encourage all campaign groups, charities and other third sector groups based in Scotland to consider doing the same when devising a digital strategy. The services provided by the .scot domain are quick, efficient and understands the needs and practical realities that organisations based in Scotland have.

    - Campaign for the Legal Recognition of the Scots Language, OorVyce.scot

  • Using the .scot domain is an obvious way to underline our role as an organisation working in Scotland and for the interests of people living in and visiting Scotland. The .scot domain gave us not just an excellent way to emphasise our geographical focus but also a very simple web and email address which is memorable, relevant and easy to communicate to others.

    - Mountaineering Scotland, mountaineering.scot

  • I wanted to maintain the Scottish connection. The Scottish brand is strong abroad – especially in matters social and FUN. As well as enabling me to continue with the Scottish theme, a .scot website also had another rather huge advantage: more names are available to register.

    - Iain McGeachin, ataxia.scot

  • A strong digital presence is important in all aspects of a nation's life and no more so than in the education sector – in teaching, research and development and outreach. Scotland has enormous potential and I would encourage Scots at home and abroad and particularly in Australia to help create a digital brand that projects Scotland internationally by signing up for .scot.

    - Professor Stewart Gill, University of Melbourne, Australia

  • As a relatively new organisation, we are working hard to attract visitors from a wider area and we believe that being a .scot organisation helps us to do this. Being Bannockburnhouse.scot we immediately locate the organisation and reaffirm its heritage as a very proud Scottish charity.

  • From the moment we became aware Scotland had its own domain name suffix we were sold on using .scot for our digital presence, but what we hadn't expected was the warmth of support we would receive consistently from the team.

    - Russell Dalgleish, Chair, Scottish Business Network, sbn.scot

  • For us it genuinely was a no brainer. Scotland as a nation has a strong cultural identity and .scot domain highlights immediately where we are from and differentiates us. Scottish Business Network is here to support Scottish based companies with global ambition and by using the .scot domain we are doing just that. A mutually beneficial relationship.

    - Christine Esson, CEO, Scottish Business Network, sbn.scot

  • We wanted to emphasise that this is a national issue, and that the Festival – or any other initiative intended to address gender imbalance in Computing Science – needs to operate on a national scale. We can only do this by working together. We also thought that ada.scot had a nice ring to it!

    - ADA Scotland Festival, ada.scot

  • Adopting a .scot suffix allows us to combine all the elements of our brand into one snappy, memorable URL: we are about homelessness and ending it: we are a network: we are in Scotland.

    - Homeless Network Scotland, homelessnetwork.scot

  • As an organization that aims to represent Scottish Arts and Humanities both at national and international level, choosing a dedicated .scot domain further emphasized the remit of our work. It also aligned our activity with other national organisations that have chosen a .scot account. It, moreover, connected us symbolically to the rich culture and heritage of Scotland that has provided the inspiration and focus for many of the activities of our members.

    - Scottish Arts and Humanities Alliance, saha.scot

  • We’re aiming to have growers and Harvest events across the whole of Scotland, so the entire country can get involved. We felt like a .scot website would be one good way of representing our hopes to engage people and communities across the country, as well as attracting visitors to a project that is clearly rooted in its location.

    - Dandelion Events, dandelion.scot

  • The educational system and curriculum in Scotland are distinctly different to those of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. I was therefore delighted to be able to secure an easily remembered domain name that gives Scottish pupils and teachers confidence that the website content is relevant to their needs. No other domain suffix could have achieved that.

    - Andrew Moulden, maths.scot

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