An Interview with Glen Moyer • dotScot Registry

An Interview with Glen Moyer

An Interview with Glen Moyer

As we discussed in our #ScotsGoGlobal blog post, a .scot domain name isn’t just for those who live in Scotland. So we caught up with Glen Moyer, one of the first people in America to register (two!) .scot domain names.

Tell us a little bit about your blog and podcast.

Although I’m an American (of Scottish descent), my blog and podcast are distinctly Scottish. The blog ( is about my travels in Scotland and occasionally about similarities I find shared by my ancestral home – Scotland, and my native home – Texas. The podcast ( is about “all things Scottish, from bagpipes to whisky.” Both are part of the personal brand I’m building based upon my passion for Scotland, and my dream to immigrate and make Scotland my home.

What made you choose a .scot domain?

I learned about the coming .scot domains before they were released. There was no question I wanted my sites to be identified as .scot. Having that .scot brings a further legitimacy to what I am all about. It’s another way that I share my passion for Scotland and proudly display my #ScotSpirit!

It’s my dream to immigrate and make Scotland my home. Since I began exploring my Scottish ancestry in 2013 I’ve developed an intense passion for Scotland – its history, people, food, culture, and even its politics! I’ve immersed myself in all things Scottish. I launched a travel blog to document and share my first visit to Scotland in Spring 2014 and continued it through my second visit seven months later for Christmas and Hogmanay. I launched it as a .com but as soon as I learned about the DotScot registry and they were made available, I was one of the first applicants.

At the time of my application I had plans for an “all things Scottish” podcast so I also applied for and received a domain for that even though it was merely a brainstorm at the time. It’s a no-brainer, a Scottish travel blog and podcast MUST be ‘.scot’, Right?

How did you find out about .scot?

In a most unusual way! I was in Scotland on my 2nd visit (December 2014/January 2015) and was scheduled as a guest on David R Faller’s program on Inverclyde Radio. I’d been a guest before on my first visit, talking about my passion for Scotland, etc. The guest before I was to appear was Gavin McCutcheon from the DotScot Registry and he was talking about the coming release of DotScot domains. I knew immediately I wanted to move my blog from a .com to a .scot and that if I went forward with my plans for a podcast it too should have a .scot domain name. We chatted a bit after the broadcast and I got the information I needed to make my application and did so soon after my return to the States, that is to say, as soon as the application process was open.

As an American of Scottish heritage I am extremely proud that I was one of the first to have a .scot domain outside of Scotland!

Do you think a .scot domain name helps establish the cultural identity of your blog/podcast?

Unquestionably. My two domain names make it pretty obvious they’re about Scotland (mentioned above) but the .scot solidifies that identity. It signifies that I see myself as a part of Scotland – well, as an affinity Scot, perhaps more of an unofficial ambassador for Scotland! I am all about promoting Scotland to the world and DotScot helps me build my personal brand and identity.

Does it attract attention from visitors to your blog/listeners of your podcast?

That’s a difficult question to answer because I’ve not asked! I hope so. I hope that my readers and listeners come away from my blog and podcast having learned a little bit about Scotland, whatever the specific subject may be. But I also hope they come away with a sense of the depth of my passion for Scotland and clearly I feel the .scot helps to illustrate that. My blog and podcast are aimed squarely at affinity Scots and the worldwide Scot diaspora, so I hope they notice I use .scot as I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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