Scott Smyth, Iain Skaggs, Caitlin Russell and Eilidh Lewsey
What is LearnGaelic?
LearnGaelic.Scot is the comprehensive website to help you learn Scottish Gaelic. Get ready to fall in love with our free courses and resources.
The best way to learn Gaelic is from a teacher. Our course finder includes every single course, class and learning event we can find. Although it’s currently impossible to learn in a traditional learning environment, classes have moved online and there are a range of distance learning options available.
If you are an absolute beginner, you’ll find 40 videos to help you master Gaelic sounds, a choice of three, free online courses and a range of vocabulary lists. If you are not quite sure why you should learn Gaelic or how you can get into the language, we’ll provide you with help. We’ll even help you bust some myths!
Find the perfect Gaelic word using our free online English to Gaelic dictionary or our thesaurus. Both resources have sound files so you can nail that pronunciation.
As you progress on your journey, we’ll support you with BBC ALBA video clips, grammar guides and amazing folklore and stories for more advanced levels. You’ll even learn how to sing a Gaelic song.
Who is behind LearnGaelic?
LearnGaelic is a partnership between Bòrd na Gàidhlig, MG ALBA, BBC ALBA, Bòrd na Ceiltis (Alba) and Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.
The core online team is based at MG ALBA. LearnGaelic started life as a project but in the past few years we have grown to be one of the best-loved Gaelic brands. We’re working with partners to develop links in Gaelic learning communities and aiming to build strong networks of learners.
Why did you choose .Scot for LearnGaelic?
It was a no-brainer to go for LearnGaelic.Scot as soon as we could get the domain. We rebranded from LearnGaelic.Net to LearnGaelic.Scot in 2015 and the site has grown from strength to strength. It has been a real boon for us. People interested in learning Celtic languages can sometimes get confused between Scottish Gaelic, Irish and Manx. .Scot has provided learners with clear signposting!
Siuthad! – Go on!